721 lines
21 KiB
721 lines
21 KiB
const fs = require("fs");
const util = require("util");
const dice = require("fast-dice-coefficient");
const asm = require("./compiler.js");
const { ingredients } = require("./download");
let reference = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("base.json"));
function deepCopy(a) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a));
function isRef(a) {
return reference.includes(a);
function isRefOrUnCrafty(a) {
//if this chem has no need to be made or cannot be made.
if (!isRef(a)) {
return !chems.ChemFind(a).recipe.some((x) => x.yields != 0);
} else {
return true;
function isCrafty(a) {
if (isRef(a)) {
return true;
return chems.ChemFind(a).recipe.some((x) => x.yields != 0);
class Recipe {
constructor(name, recipe, ignition) {
this.name = name;
this.recipe = recipe;
this.ignition = ignition;
//a binder.
class asmBind {
static outOfBoundsErrror(int) {
if (int > 10 || int < 1) {
throw "Please enter a digit between 1 and 10";
static move(amount, source, target, out) {
out.push(`mov ${amount}, ${source}, ${target}\n`);
static moveMixToOut(out) {
out.push(`movall 9, 10\n`);
static setTemp(temprature, out) {
out.push(`temp 9, ${temprature}\n`);
static isolate(amount, order, source, target, out) {
out.push(`iso ${amount}, ${order}, ${source}, ${target}\n`);
static end(out) {
static print(text, out) {
out.push(`print ${text}`);
static compile(a) {
return asm.assembler(a);
static pill(out) {
out.push("pill 9\n");
function getYieldModifier(a) {
try {
return a.yields / a.chemarray.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
} catch {
return 0;
let chems = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("out.json"));
util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = null;
//this proc allows me to have lienencey involving naming.
chems.ChemFind = function (a) {
//this is a very pretty way of accounting for string parsing issues.
if (a in chems) {
return chems[a];
} else {
let leven = [];
for (const item in chems) {
leven.push([dice(a, item), item]);
leven.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]);
return chems[leven[0][1]];
chems.getRecipes = function () {
return Object.values(chems)
.map((x) => x.recipe)
.filter((x) => x == undefined || x.chemarray.length != 0);
// rough thing, kinda just gonna let it be?
function recursiveScore(a) {
function score(a) {
const current = a.chemarray;
let total = current.length * 3;
let points = 0;
for (const x in current) {
if (isRef(current[x][0])) {
points += 3;
if (chems.ChemFind(current[x][0]).yields != 0) {
} else {
return (points / total) * 100;
let base = [0, {}];
function recursive(a) {
let filtered = a.recipe.filter((x) => x.yields != 0);
if (filtered.length == 0) {
base[1][a.name] = a.recipe[0];
let best;
if (filtered.length == 1) {
base[0] += score(filtered[0]);
base[1][a.name] = filtered[0];
best = filtered[0];
} else {
let comparision = [];
for (let x in filtered) {
comparision.push([x, score(filtered[x])]);
comparision.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
best = filtered[comparision[0][0]];
base[0] += score(best);
base[1][a.name] = best;
let reagents = best.chemarray.filter((x) => !isRef(x[0]));
for (x in reagents) {
return base[1];
chems["thc"] = chems.ChemFind("Tetrahydrocannabinol");
class crafty {
//prohbably gonna get merged with ingredients, its kinda weird that we have two that do the same thing.
) {
this.temp = temp;
this.chems = chems;
this.wanted = wanted;
this.order = order;
this.name = name;
this.ignition = ignition;
this.total = wanted.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
this.yields = yields;
this.yieldmodifier = yieldmodifier;
class beaker {
//this class is on a pretty strict lockdown because troubleshooting this will be impossible
constructor(chems, max = 100, beakernumber) {
this.chems = chems;
this.max = max;
this.beakernumber = beakernumber;
this.temp = 293.15;
sortCrafty() {
this.chems = this.chems.sort((a, b) => isCrafty(b[0]) - isCrafty(a[0]));
toPreset() {
return this.chems
.filter((x) => isRef(x[0]))
.map((x) => x.join("="))
total() {
return this.chems.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
//returns the reagent name, amount, and order in the beaker
free() {
return [this.max - this.total(), this.beakernumber];
getReagent(a) {
let chems = this.chems;
for (var x in chems) {
if (chems[x][0] == a) {
return [chems[x][0], chems[x][1], Number(x) + 1, this.beakernumber];
return [a, 0, -1, -1];
changeReagent(a, b) {
let found = this.chems.find((x) => x[0] == a);
found[1] += b;
if (found[1] < 0) {
//future caroline, this is because the beaker is less than zero.
//ie subracted too much
throw "A beaker has reached a negative balance, This is a bug in the algorithm. Progress is irrecoverable.";
if (found[1] == 0) {
this.chems = this.chems.filter((x) => x[0] != a);
if (this.total() > this.max) {
throw "A beaker has ovweflowed, This is a bug in the algorithm. Progress is irrecoverable.";
addReagent(a) {
if (typeof a != typeof []) {
throw "The reagent is the incorrect type. This is a bug in the algorithm. Progress is irrecoverable.";
if (a.length != 2) {
throw "The reagent is an array, but isn't in the proper format.";
if (this.total >= this.max) {
throw "The beaker cannot fit anymore reagent in, and thus cannot be added to. This is a bug in the algorithm. Progress is irrecoverable. ";
if (a[1] == 0) {
if (this.chems.some((x) => x[0] == a[0])) {
//adds to the production
this.chems.find((x) => x[0] == a[0])[1] += a[1];
} else {
//other wise it just adds it to the total production quota
if (this.total() > this.max) {
throw "My nam is (u dont need to remember) Guanglai Kangyi, age 15, the past month to me is, only graduation tests. the entrance into high-school brings really exciting and worry-ing days. till i met these 2 very special guys......";
//added chem is optional we get the existing reactions vs the ones if we add it
premtiveReactions(addeChem = undefined) {
let reactions = chems.getRecipes().filter((x) => x != undefined);
let localchems = this.chems.map((x) => x[0]);
if (addeChem != undefined) {
function allIn(addeChem, chems) {
//gets a list of all names of chems
addeChem = addeChem.map((x) => x[0]);
return !addeChem
.map((x) => localchems.includes(x))
.some((x) => x == false);
reactions = reactions.filter((x) => allIn(x.chemarray));
return reactions;
ifaddedWillReact(a) {
//JS lacks the ability to compare arrays so this is just a makeshift way of doing it.
//we compare existing reactions vs reactions if the chem was added.
let newreaction = this.premtiveReactions(a[0]);
let oldreaction = this.premtiveReactions().map((x) => x.name);
if (oldreaction.join("") != newreaction.map((x) => x.name).join("")) {
return [
newreaction.filter((x) => !oldreaction.includes(x.name)),
} else {
return [false, [], this.beakernumber, this.free()];
class BeakerGroup {
constructor(max, recipes) {
this.outBeakers = [new beaker([], 100, 9), new beaker([], max, 10)];
this.beakers = [];
this.recipes = recipes;
startCraft() {
let out = [];
this.recipes.forEach((x) => {
return out.flat();
numberOfBeakers() {
return this.beakers.length;
totalFree() {
return this.beakers.map((x) => x.free());
supplyReagents(chem, destination, outCommands) {
if (chem[1] == 0) {
//we get the chems which match the input and sort by largest. We filter it
let avaliable = this.beakers
.map((x) => x.getReagent(chem[0]))
.sort((a, b) => a[1] + b[1])
.filter((x) => x[1] > 0);
let totalfree = 0;
if (avaliable.length > 1) {
totalfree = avaliable.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
} else {
totalfree = avaliable[0][1];
//this gets the total amount of chems in the beakergroup
if (chem[1] > totalfree) {
//gets the total amount supplied thus far
let totalmoved = 0;
for (x in avaliable) {
//we can break once we are done
if (totalmoved == chem[1]) {
let current = avaliable[x];
//due is the amount left we have to transfer
let due = chem[1] - totalmoved;
//this is the difference between what we have to take and which is avaliable
let difference = due - current[1];
//if due isn't zero or less then we have to conform to the difference and draw what we can in future loops
if (difference > 0) {
due -= difference;
totalmoved += due;
this.beakers[current[3] - 1].changeReagent(chem[0], 0 - due);
outCommands.push(`#Isolating ${due}u of ${chem[0]} to ${destination}\n`);
asmBind.isolate(due, current[2], current[3], destination, outCommands);
craftChem(crafty) {
// console.log(this.beakers)
let outCommands = [];
let mixtemp = this.outBeakers[0].temp;
if (this.ignition >= mixtemp) {
asmBind.setTemp(crafty.ignition - 20, outCommands, mixtemp);
this.outBeakers[0].temp = crafty.ignition - 20;
if (crafty.total <= 101) {
for (var x in crafty.wanted) {
this.supplyReagents(crafty.wanted[x], 9, outCommands);
if (crafty.temp != -1) {
asmBind.setTemp(crafty.temp + 20, outCommands, mixtemp);
this.outBeakers[0].temp = crafty.temp + 20;
if (crafty.order == 0) {
} else {
`#returning ${crafty.chems}u of ${crafty.name} from mix.\n`,
this.returnFromMix([crafty.name, crafty.chems], outCommands);
} else {
let due = crafty.total;
let modifier = 100 / due;
let ref = deepCopy(crafty.wanted);
while (true) {
let moved = 0;
let toMove = 0;
let end = false;
if (100 > ref.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0)) {
end = true;
for (x in crafty.wanted) {
let wanted = crafty.wanted[x];
if (!end) {
toMove = Math.floor(wanted[1] * modifier);
} else {
toMove = ref[x][1];
moved += toMove;
ref[x][1] -= toMove;
due -= toMove;
this.supplyReagents([wanted[0], toMove], 9, outCommands);
if (crafty.temp != -1) {
asmBind.setTemp(crafty.temp + 20, outCommands);
this.outBeakers[0].temp = crafty.temp + 20;
if (crafty.order != 0) {
`#returning ${moved * crafty.yieldmodifier}u of ${crafty.name} from mix.\n`,
[crafty.name, moved * crafty.yieldmodifier],
} else if (due != 0) {
if (end) {
// console.log(due)
return outCommands;
returnFromMix(a, outCommands) {
this.avoidReact(a).forEach((x) => {
outCommands.push(`#moving ${x[1]}u of ${a[0]} to ${x[0]}\n`);
asmBind.move(x[1], 9, x[0], outCommands);
addBeaker(beaker) {
if (8 > this.beakers.length) {
} else {
throw "You can only fit 8 beakers in a chemi compiler unless you have some whacky stuff invovling moving outs.";
allocate(free, a) {
//this finds a free location to put a chem
//free is the places it can choose to put it.
let out = [];
let due = a[1];
let sent = 0;
for (x in free) {
let current = free[x];
if (due == 0) {
if (current[0] == 0) {
if (current[0] > due) {
this.beakers[current[1] - 1].addReagent([a[0], due]);
sent = due;
due = 0;
} else {
due -= current[0];
this.beakers[current[1] - 1].addReagent([a[0], current[0]]);
sent = current[0];
//this logs the chem and the stuff moved
out.push([current[1], sent]);
//it is logged so we can issue commands to the compiler to execute these orders.
return out;
///This function yields a place where a chemical can be added and it wont react, if a place exists for itl
avoidReact(a) {
let free = this.totalFree();
if (a[1] > free.reduce((a, b) => a[0] + b[0])) {
throw "not enough space to move reagents.";
let ReactMap = this.beakers.map((x) => x.ifaddedWillReact(a));
if (
(x) =>
x[0] == true && ReactMap.map((x) => x[1].temp == -1).includes(true),
) {
return this.allocate(free, a);
} else {
ReactMap = ReactMap.filter((x) => !x[0]);
//the throw here is kinda pointless because this function will fail because throw happens
if (a[1] > ReactMap.reduce((a, b) => a + b[3], 0)) {
console.log(ReactMap.reduce((a, b) => a + b[3], 0));
throw "not enough space to move reagents.";
//it requires a map of free(), which is x[3]
return this.allocate(
ReactMap.map((x) => x[3]),
function proportionFinder(a, wanted, array, order, OptimalRecipes) {
//converts the Stoichenemtry proportions to absolute values for production
let StoichiometricValues = [];
//for each element in the chem array
a.chemarray.forEach((current) => {
//we deep copy so the modifications dont alter the entry, for other recipes dependant upon it
current = deepCopy(current);
//this formula is calculates the amount of chems needed.
current[1] = current[1] * Math.ceil(wanted / a.yields);
if (!isRefOrUnCrafty(current[0])) {
order + 1,
//finds the ignition temprature of chems inside the beakers
//this is to help prevent explosions
if (StoichiometricValues.length != 0) {
let ignitionSearch = StoichiometricValues.map(
(x) => chems.ChemFind(x[0]).ignition,
).filter((x) => x != 0);
let ignition = a.ignition;
//if there is any of them which are sensitive then the ignition temp is set to that.
if (!ignitionSearch.length == 0) {
ignition = ignitionSearch.sort((a, b) => b - a)[0];
let ym = getYieldModifier(a);
//the total number of parts times the yield modifier is equal to the total output
//this is done because the rounding makes things funky
let newtotal = StoichiometricValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0) * ym;
if (array.map((x) => x.name).includes(a.name)) {
let found = array.find((x) => x.name == a.name);
for (x in StoichiometricValues) {
found.wanted[x][1] += StoichiometricValues[x][1];
found.chems += newtotal;
found.total += StoichiometricValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
new crafty(
function getInput(a) {
//this gets a detailed list of the raw "materials" used to make the chems.
//takes direct input from ProportionFinder
//this gets all the recipes names and all their components
let genned = a.map((x) => x.name);
let search = a.map((x) => x.wanted);
let needed = {};
for (x in search) {
//if a chem has a recipe we remove it because we're making it, it is not needed to be in the raw input
search[x] = search[x].filter((x) => !genned.includes(x[0]));
search = search.flat();
search.forEach((x) => {
//we create a table of the every instance of the recipes
if (needed[x[0]] !== undefined) {
//if it exists we add to it
needed[x[0]] += x[1];
} else {
//if it doesn't, we start it
needed[x[0]] = x[1];
//tbh I'd prefer a pair situation rather than a object {} for various reasons
let keys = Object.keys(needed);
let out = [];
for (var x in keys) {
out.push([keys[x], Math.ceil(needed[keys[x]])]);
let total = out.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
//beaker groups are the language of allocation
//allowing all beakers to be treated as one distrbuted object is an adaptable framework.
let beakergroup = new BeakerGroup(100, a);
beakersneeded = Math.ceil(total / 100);
//1 beaker is bad because we cant avoid reactions.
if (beakersneeded == 1) {
for (i = 1; i != beakersneeded + 1; i++) {
beakergroup.addBeaker(new beaker([], 100, i));
//this is the way we assign chems to beakers as to avoid all reactions where possible
out.forEach((x) => {
//so I think the most effective way of handling side affects is seperate from allocation
//the code will get really nonsensicale
return beakergroup;
util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = null;
function arbitraryToParts(abritrary) {
//the system is programmed to work in parts
//this converts arbitrary input to totals
let partTotal = abritrary.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0);
abritrary = abritrary.map((x) => [x[0], x[1] / partTotal]);
let input = new Recipe(
new ingredients(
parts.reduce((a, b) => a + b[1], 0),
return [input, partTotal];
function main(input, debug = false) {
let wanted = 0;
if (input.length == 1) {
wanted = input[0][1];
input = chems.ChemFind(input[0][0]);
} else {
let converted = arbitraryToParts(input);
input = converted[0];
wanted = converted[1];
let out = [];
let OptimalRecipes = recursiveScore(input);
let base = Object.values(OptimalRecipes)[0];
proportionFinder(base, wanted, out, 0, OptimalRecipes);
let beakers = getInput(out.sort((a, b) => b.order - a.order));
beakers.beakers.forEach((x) => {
let outcommands = beakers.startCraft();
let nondebug = outcommands.filter((x) => x[0] != "#");
let output = asmBind.compile(nondebug.join(""));
if (!debug) {
} else {
let mood = "\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m";
if (output.length > 2000) {
mood = "\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m";
`number of lines of code = ${nondebug.length}`,
`total u output should be ~${input.recipe[0].yields}`,
console.log(mood, `total amount of chars of code are ${output.length}`);
if (mood.includes("31")) {
"for some reason the eldritch technology (magic) of the chemicompiler really only supports 2000 chars of code",
"you must manually split up the commands into bite size pieces in order for the script to not hault midway through.",
"this might be due to something involving it being 2 kilobyte of data but thats either here nor there.",
console.log(`expected ouput in exit beaker if lower than 100 chems and in pills if higher.\n
${parts.map((x) => x.join(" ")).join(", ")}`);
"not all pills are created equal. Depending on the yield multiplier some may have more some may have less",
console.log("meths is 0.75; the maximum output is 75 per pill.");
let parts = [["Meth", 100]];
main(parts, false);