304 lines
8.8 KiB
304 lines
8.8 KiB
import strformat
import tensorCeral
import streams
import arraymancer
import std/stats
import math
import sequtils
import sugar
import os
import system
import algorithm
import terminal
import illwill
import nimpy
import tables
illwillInit(fullscreen = false)
type data = ref object of RootObj
originalColor : int
inputdata : int
outputChoices : seq[(int,int)]
distanceFromCorrct : int
stats : RunningStat
proc isCorrect(a : data) : bool =
return a.originalColor == a.outputChoices[0][1]
type commands = enum
Forward, ForwardGood, ForwardBad, BackwardGood, BackwardBad, Backward, Break, Graph
proc getInput() : commands =
##input for the statistic Viewer
while true:
var key = getKey()
case key
of Key.None: discard
of Key.Escape: quit()
of Key.Enter:
return Forward
of Key.E:
echo "e"
return ForwardBad
of Key.Q:
return BackwardBad
of Key.A:
return BackwardGood
of Key.D:
return ForwardGood
of Key.Space:
return Backward
of Key.X:
return Break
of Key.W:
return Graph
func datainit(a : int, c : int, stats : RunningStat, output : seq[(int,int)]) : data =
var correct = 0
for x in output:
if x[1] == a:
result = data(
originalColor : a,
inputdata : c,
outputChoices : output,
distanceFromCorrct : correct,
stats : stats
proc printData(data : data, cerial : (Tensor[float32], Tensor[float32], Tensor[float32])) =
##prints Data for the statistics viewer
echo "#"
echo &"The ordered Choices {data.outputChoices}"
echo ""
echo &"Correct Byte {data.originalColor}"
echo ""
echo &"Byte Returned {data.outputChoices[0][1]}"
echo ""
echo &"input data {cerial[2][data.inputdata, _]}"
echo ""
echo &"correct reference color {cerial[0][data.originalColor, _]}"
echo ""
echo &"output's reference color {cerial[0][data.outputChoices[0][1], _]}"
echo ""
echo &"idk: {data.stats}"
echo data.originalColor
echo data.outputChoices[0][1]
echo "#"
var plt = pyImport("matplotlib.pyplot")
proc getMeanValues(a : seq[float32]) : seq[int]=
var x1 : RunningStat
var x2 : RunningStat
var x3 : RunningStat
for x in countup(0, a.high, 3):
x1.push a[x]
for x in countup(1, a.high, 3):
x2.push a[x]
for x in countup(2, a.high, 3):
x3.push a[x]
return [x1.mean, x2.mean, x3.mean, x1.kurtosis, x2.kurtosis, x3.kurtosisS].map(x=>x.int)
proc getByte(input : seq[float32], reference : seq[seq[int]]) : (char, seq[(int,int)], seq[int]) =
##Gets the most likely byte from an input file, using a reference
##currently debug and has more inputs and outputs than it needs to
var lowestdif = @[10000,-1]
let mean = getMeanValues(input)
var tempDebug : seq[(int, int)]
for x in 0 .. reference.high:
var totaldif = 0
totaldif = abs(mean[0]-reference[x][0])^2+abs(mean[1]-reference[x][1])^2+abs(mean[2]-reference[x][2])^2
if totaldif < lowestdif[0]:
lowestdif[1] = x
lowestdif[0] = totaldif
tempDebug.add((totaldif, x))
return (char(lowestdif[1]), tempDebug, mean)
proc correlateBadBytes(a : seq[ptr seq[(int,int)]]) : Table[int, Table[int,int]] =
for x in a:
var outputChoice = x[][0][1]
if not result.hasKey(outputChoice):
result[outputChoice] = initTable[int,int]()
if result[outputChoice].hasKey(x[][1][1]):
result[outputChoice][x[][1][1]] += 1
result[outputChoice][x[][1][1]] = 1
proc getGraphData(a: Table[int, Table[int,int]]) : (seq[int], seq[int], seq[int]) =
for key,val in a:
for innerkey, innerval in val:
proc getBestBytes*(inputstream : Stream, output : Stream) : ((Tensor[float32],Tensor[float32],Tensor[float32]), seq[seq[int]]) =
##Takes a cerial inputstream, and a stream to output to
##Gets the most likely choice from the given data.
##Curently very simple, can get sub 3% correctness if lucky
let cerial = deSerializeTensors(inputstream)
var reference : seq[seq[int]]
for x in 0 .. 255:
let seqn = cerial[2][x, _].toFlatSeq()
reference.add getMeanValues(seqn)
let max = cerial[2].shape[0]-1
for x in 256 .. max:
if cerial[2][x, 0 .. 2].toFlatSeq().foldl((a+b)) < 10:
var chary = getByte((cerial[2][x, _].toFlatSeq()), reference)
chary[1].sort((a,b)=>cmp(a[0], b[0]))
output.write chary[0]
return (cerial, reference)
when isMainModule:
var params = commandLineParams()
echo params
var input = newFileStream(params[0])
var output : FileStream
if ["", "-"].contains(params[1]):
output = newFileStream(stdout)
output = newFileStream(params[1], fmReadWrite)
var (cerial, reference) = getBestBytes(input, output)
if defined(colordebug):
echo params[2]
var old = newFileStream(params[2], fmRead)
var outputDebugData : seq[data]
let max = cerial[2].shape[0]-1
for x in 256 .. max:
if cerial[2][x, 0 .. 2].toFlatSeq().foldl((a+b)) < 10:
var chary = getByte((cerial[2][x, _].toFlatSeq()), reference)
let originalByte = byte(old.readChar())
chary[1].sort((a,b)=>cmp(a[0], b[0]))
var stats : RunningStat
for x in chary[1]:
stats.push x[0]
outputDebugData.add datainit(originalByte.int, x, stats, chary[1])
var dif = 0
var total = 0
var incorrect : seq[ptr seq[(int,int)]]
while not old.atEnd:
let oldint = old.readChar().int
let newint = output.readChar().int
if newint != oldint:
incorrect.add(addr outputDebugData[total].outputChoices)
total += 1
if defined(graph):
var dirtyIncorrect : seq[ptr seq[(int,int)]]
var dirtyTemp : seq[seq[(int,int)]]
proc getAccuracyDecay(a : seq[(int,int)]) : float =
return collect(for y in 0 .. 2: (a[y+1][0] / a[y][0])*100).foldl(a+b)/3.float
for x in outputDebugData:
let output = getAccuracyDecay(x.outputChoices)
if output < 300:
dirtyIncorrect.add(addr x.outputChoices)
if x.outputChoices[0][1] == 202 and x.outputChoices[1][1] == 173:
var dirtyGraph = getGraphData(correlateBadBytes(dirtyIncorrect))
let fig = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(1,2))[1]
var pure = correlateBadBytes(incorrect)
var graph = getGraphData(pure)
let totalErrors = graph[2].foldl((a+b))
let newErrors = dirtyGraph[2].foldl((a+b))
discard fig[0].set_ylabel("Original Byte")
discard fig[0].set_xlabel("Mistaken Byte")
discard fig[0].legend(loc="upper left")
discard fig[1].set_ylabel("Original Byte")
discard fig[1].set_xlabel("Mistaken Byte")
discard fig[1].legend(loc="upper left")
discard fig[0].set_title(&"Before statistical isolation of errors:\n {totalErrors}")
discard fig[1].set_title(&"After statistical isolation of errors: \n {newErrors} \n {(newERRORS / totalErrors)* 100}% increase")
discard fig[0].scatter(graph[0], graph[1], graph[2])
discard fig[1].scatter(dirtyGraph[0], dirtyGraph[1], dirtyGraph[2])
discard plt.show()
let purey = outputDebugData.filter(x=>x.outputChoices[0][1] == 202 and x.outputChoices[1][1] == 173 and x.originalColor != 202).map(x=>x.outputChoices)
echo purey.high
echo dirtyTemp.high
var stat1 : RunningStat
for x in purey:
stat1.push getAccuracyDecay(x)
echo stat1
for x in dirtyTemp:
stat1.push getAccuracyDecay(x)
dirtyTemp = dirtyTemp.filter(x=>purey.contains(x))
echo stat1
for x in dirtyTemp:
stat1.push getAccuracyDecay(x)
echo stat1
var print = true
var pos = 0
while defined(pager):
if print:
printData(outputDebugData[pos], cerial)
print = true
let command = getInput()
case command:
of Break: break
of Forward:
if outputDebugData.high > pos:
of Backward:
if pos > 0:
of ForwardBad:
for x in pos+1 .. outputDebugData.high:
if outputDebugData[x].originalColor != outputDebugData[x].outputChoices[0][1]:
pos = x
of Graph:
var data = outputDebugData[pos].outputChoices.map(x=>x[0])[0 .. 100]
var x = collect(for x in 0 .. 100: x)
discard plt.scatter(x,data)
discard plt.show()
discard plt.clf()
break |