
36 lines
704 B

import std/rdstdin
import std/strutils
let plays: array[3, array[3, int]] =
# 0 - lose, 1 - draw, 2 - win
# X Y Z
[[1, 2, 0], # A
[0, 1, 2], # B
[2, 0, 1]] # C
proc parsePlay(play: string): int =
let selected = split(play, ' ')
let opponent = case selected[0]:
of "A": 0 # rock
of "B": 1 # paper
else: 2 # scissors
let us = case selected[1]:
of "X": 0 # rock
of "Y": 1 # paper
else: 2 # scissors
result =
plays[opponent][us] * 3 + # win/lose * multiplier
us + 1 # played hand
var score: int
var line: string
while true:
let ok = readLineFromStdin("", line)
if not ok:
score += parsePlay(line)