
70 lines
1.3 KiB

import rdstdin
import strutils
import sets
const NUM_TAILS = 9
Coords = tuple
x, y: int
proc diff(a, b: int): int =
if a > b: a - b
else: b - a
var line: string
var tails: array[0 .. NUM_TAILS, Coords] # head + tails
var moved: array[0 .. NUM_TAILS, bool]
var visited = newSeq[Coords](0)
moved[0] = true # the head always moves
while true:
let ok = readLineFromStdin("", line)
if not ok: break
let cmd = line.split(" ")
for i in 1 .. parseInt(cmd[1]):
case cmd[0]:
of "U": tails[0]
of "D": tails[0].y.dec
of "R": tails[0]
of "L": tails[0].x.dec
for i in 1 .. NUM_TAILS:
moved[i] = false
if not moved[i - 1]:
let head = tails[i - 1]
let x_diff = diff(head.x, tails[i].x)
let y_diff = diff(head.y, tails[i].y)
if x_diff + y_diff == 3:
# we are diagonal, yank
if x_diff == 2:
tails[i].y += head.y - tails[i].y
tails[i].x += head.x - tails[i].x
moved[i] = true
if x_diff > 1:
if head.x > tails[i].x: tails[i]
else: tails[i].x.dec
moved[i] = true
if y_diff > 1:
if head.y > tails[i].y: tails[i]
else: tails[i].y.dec
moved[i] = true