354 lines
12 KiB
354 lines
12 KiB
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD-3-Clause License. Look at license.txt for more info.
import os, strutils, algorithm
import nimblepkg/[cli, version]
import nimblepkg/common as nimbleCommon
from nimblepkg/packageinfo import getNameVersion
import getnimpkg/[download, builder, switcher, common, cliparams, versions]
import getnimpkg/[utils, channel]
when defined(windows):
import getnimpkg/env
import times
proc installVersion(version: Version, params: CliParams) =
extractDir = params.getInstallationDir(version)
updated = gitUpdate(version, extractDir, params)
if not updated:
# Install the requested version.
let path = download(version, params)
# Delete downloaded file
discard tryRemoveFile(path)
# Make sure no stale files from previous installation exist.
# Extract the downloaded file.
extract(path, extractDir)
# A "special" version is downloaded from GitHub and thus needs a `.git`
# directory in order to let `koch` know that it should download a "devel"
# Nimble.
if version.isSpecial:
gitInit(version, extractDir, params)
# Build the compiler
build(extractDir, version, params)
proc safeSwitchTo(version: Version, params: CliParams, wasInstalled: bool) =
switchTo(version, params)
except Exception as exc:
# If we cannot switch to the newly installed version for whatever reason
# we assume the installation failed. This can happen for example on
# Windows when Windows Defender flags one of the binaries as a virus.
display("Exception:", exc.msg, Error, HighPriority)
# Perform clean up.
if not wasInstalled and not params.skipClean:
display("Cleaning", "failed install of " & $version, priority = HighPriority)
except Exception as exc:
display("Warning:", "Cleaning failed: " & exc.msg, Warning)
raise newException(GetnimError, "Installation failed")
proc chooseVersion(version: string, params: CliParams) =
# Command is a version.
let version = parseVersion(version)
# Verify that C compiler is installed.
if params.needsCCInstall():
when defined(windows):
# Install MingW.
let path = downloadMingw(params)
extract(path, getMingwPath(params))
let binName =
when defined(macosx):
raise newException(
"No C compiler found. Nim compiler requires a C compiler.\n" &
"Install " & binName & " using your favourite package manager."
# Verify that DLLs (openssl primarily) are installed.
when defined(windows):
if params.needsDLLInstall():
# Install DLLs.
path = downloadDLLs(params)
tempDir = getTempDir() / "getnim-dlls"
binDir = getBinDir(params)
extract(path, tempDir)
for kind, path in walkDir(tempDir, relative = true):
if kind == pcFile:
if not fileExists(binDir / path) or
getLastModificationTime(binDir / path) < getLastModificationTime(tempDir / path):
moveFile(tempDir / path, binDir / path)
display("Info:", "Copied '$1' to '$2'" % [path, binDir], priority = HighPriority)
display("Warning:", "Error copying '$1' to '$2': $3" % [path, binDir, getCurrentExceptionMsg()], Warning, priority = HighPriority)
display("Info:", "DLLs already installed", priority = MediumPriority)
var wasInstalled = params.isVersionInstalled(version)
if not wasInstalled:
installVersion(version, params)
safeSwitchTo(version, params, wasInstalled)
proc choose(params: CliParams) =
if dirExists(params.command):
# Command is a file path likely pointing to an existing Nim installation.
switchTo(params.command, params)
# Check for release channel.
if params.command.isReleaseChannel():
let version = getChannelVersion(params.command, params)
chooseVersion(version, params)
pinChannelVersion(params.command, version, params)
setCurrentChannel(params.command, params)
chooseVersion(params.command, params)
when defined(windows):
# Check and add ~/.nimble/bin to PATH
if not isNimbleBinInPath(params) and params.firstInstall:
proc updateSelf(params: CliParams) =
display("Updating", "getnim", priority = HighPriority)
let version = getChannelVersion("self", params, live=true).newVersion
if not params.force and version <= getnimVersion.newVersion:
display("Info:", "Already up to date at version " & getnimVersion,
Success, HighPriority)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/9163044/492186
let tag = "v" & $version
let filename = "getnim-" & $version & "_" & hostOS & "_" & hostCPU.addFileExt(ExeExt)
let url = "https://github.com/dom96/choosenim/releases/download/$1/$2" % [
tag, filename
let newFilename = getAppDir() / "getnim_new".addFileExt(ExeExt)
downloadFile(url, newFilename, params)
let appFilename = getAppFilename()
# Move getnim.exe to getnim_ver.exe
let oldFilename = "getnim_" & getnimVersion.addFileExt(ExeExt)
display("Info:", "Renaming '$1' to '$2'" % [appFilename, oldFilename])
moveFile(appFilename, getAppDir() / oldFilename)
# Move getnim_new.exe to getnim.exe
display("Info:", "Renaming '$1' to '$2'" % [newFilename, appFilename])
moveFile(newFilename, appFilename)
display("Info:", "Setting +x on downloaded file")
inclFilePermissions(appFilename, {fpUserExec, fpGroupExec})
display("Info:", "Updated getnim to version " & $version,
Success, HighPriority)
proc update(params: CliParams) =
if params.commands.len != 2:
raise newException(GetnimError,
"Expected 1 parameter to 'update' command")
let channel = params.commands[1]
if channel.toLowerAscii() == "self":
display("Updating", channel, priority = HighPriority)
# Retrieve the current version for the specified channel.
let version = getChannelVersion(channel, params, live=true).newVersion
# Ensure that the version isn't already installed.
if not canUpdate(version, params):
display("Info:", "Already up to date at version " & $version,
Success, HighPriority)
pinChannelVersion(channel, $version, params)
if getSelectedVersion(params) != version:
switchTo(version, params)
# Make sure the archive is downloaded again if the version is special.
if version.isSpecial:
# Install the new version and pin it.
installVersion(version, params)
pinChannelVersion(channel, $version, params)
display("Updated", "to " & $version, Success, HighPriority)
# Always switch to the updated version.
safeSwitchTo(version, params, wasInstalled=false)
proc show(params: CliParams) =
let channel = getCurrentChannel(params)
let path = getSelectedPath(params)
let (_, version) = getNameVersion(path)
if params.commands.len == 2:
let whatToShow = params.commands[1]
if whatToShow.toLowerAscii() == "path":
echo path
if version != "":
display("Selected:", version, priority = HighPriority)
if channel.len > 0:
display("Channel:", channel, priority = HighPriority)
display("Channel:", "No channel selected", priority = HighPriority)
display("Path:", path, priority = HighPriority)
var versions: seq[string] = @[]
for path in walkDirs(params.getInstallDir() & "/*"):
let (_, versionAvailable) = getNameVersion(path)
if versions.len() > 1:
versions.sort(system.cmp, Descending)
if versions.contains("#head"):
versions.del(find(versions, "#head"))
versions.insert("#head", 0)
if versions.contains("#devel"):
versions.del(find(versions, "#devel"))
versions.insert("#devel", 0)
echo ""
display("Versions:", " ", priority = HighPriority)
for ver in versions:
if ver == version:
display("*", ver, Success, HighPriority)
display("", ver, priority = HighPriority)
proc versions(params: CliParams) =
let currentChannel = getCurrentChannel(params)
let currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(params)
let specialVersions = getSpecialVersions(params)
let localVersions = getInstalledVersions(params)
let remoteVersions =
if params.onlyInstalled: @[]
else: getAvailableVersions(params)
proc isActiveTag(params: CliParams, version: Version): string =
let tag =
if version == currentVersion: "*"
else: " " # must have non-zero length, or won't be displayed
return tag
proc isLatestTag(params: CliParams, version: Version): string =
let tag =
if isLatestVersion(params, version): " (latest)"
else: ""
return tag
proc canUpdateTag(params: CliParams, channel: string): string =
let version = getChannelVersion(channel, params, live = (not params.onlyInstalled))
let channelVersion = parseVersion(version)
let tag =
if canUpdate(channelVersion, params): " (update available!)"
else: ""
return tag
#[ Display version information,now that it has been collected ]#
if currentChannel.len > 0:
display("Channel:", currentChannel & canUpdateTag(params, currentChannel), priority = HighPriority)
echo ""
# local versions
display("Installed:", " ", priority = HighPriority)
for version in localVersions:
let activeDisplay =
if version == currentVersion: Success
else: Message
display(isActiveTag(params, version), $version & isLatestTag(params, version), activeDisplay, priority = HighPriority)
for version in specialVersions:
display(isActiveTag(params, version), $version, priority = HighPriority)
echo ""
# if the "--installed" flag was passed, don't display remote versions as we didn't fetch data for them.
if (not params.onlyInstalled):
display("Available:", " ", priority = HighPriority)
for version in remoteVersions:
if not (version in localVersions):
display("", $version & isLatestTag(params, version), priority = HighPriority)
echo ""
proc remove(params: CliParams) =
if params.commands.len != 2:
raise newException(GetnimError,
"Expected 1 parameter to 'remove' command")
let version = params.commands[1].newVersion
let isInstalled = isVersionInstalled(params, version)
if not isInstalled:
raise newException(GetnimError,
"Version $1 is not installed." % $version)
if version == getCurrentVersion(params):
raise newException(GetnimError,
"Cannot remove current version.")
let extractDir = params.getInstallationDir(version)
display("Info:", "Removed version " & $version,
Success, HighPriority)
proc performAction(params: CliParams) =
case params.command.normalize
of "update":
of "show":
of "versions":
of "remove":
when isMainModule:
var error = ""
var hint = ""
var params = newCliParams(proxyExeMode = false)
except NimbleError:
let currentExc = (ref NimbleError)(getCurrentException())
(error, hint) = getOutputInfo(currentExc)
if error.len > 0:
display("Error:", error, Error, HighPriority)
if hint.len > 0:
display("Hint:", hint, Warning, HighPriority)