
123 lines
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import std/options
# objects that can be found in replies
t_command_status* = object
success*: bool
parse_error*: Option[bool]
error*: Option[string]
t_workspace* = object
num*: int
name*, output*: string
visible*, focused*, urgent*: bool
rect*: t_rect
t_rect = object
x*, y*, width*, height*: int
t_output* = object
name*, make*, model*, serial*, subpixel_hinting*, transform*, current_workspace*: string
active*, dpms*, primary*: bool
modes*: seq[t_mode]
t_mode* = object
width*, height*, refresh*: int
t_node* = object
id*, current_border_width*: int
name*, `type`*, border*, layout*, orientation*: string
representation*, app_id*, shell*: Option[string]
fullscreen_mode*, pid*, window*: Option[int]
visible*, inhibit_idle*: Option[bool]
percent*: Option[float]
rect*, window_rect*, deco_rect*, geometry*: t_rect
urgent*, sticky*, focused*: bool
marks*: seq[string]
focus*: seq[int]
nodes*, floating_nodes*: seq[t_node]
idle_inhibitors*: Option[t_idle_inhibitors]
window_properties*: Option[t_window_properties]
t_idle_inhibitors* = object
application*, user*: string
t_window_properties* = object
class*, instance*, title*: string
transient_for*: Option[int]
t_input* = object
identifier*, name*, `type`*: string
xkb_active_layout_name*: Option[string]
vendor*, product*: int
xkb_active_layout_index*: Option[int]
xkb_layout_names*: Option[seq[string]]
scroll_factor*: Option[float]
libinput*: Option[t_libinput]
t_seat* = object
name*: string
capabilities*, focus*: int
devices*: r_get_inputs
t_colors* = object
background*, statusline*, separator*, focused_background*, focused_statusline*, focused_separator*, focused_workspace_text*,
focused_workspace_bg*, focused_workspace_border*, active_workspace_text*, active_workspace_bg*, active_workspace_border*,
inactive_workspace_text*, inactive_workspace_bg*, inactive_workspace_border*, urgent_workspace_text*, urgent_workspace_bg*,
urgent_workspace_border*, binding_mode_text*, binding_mode_bg*, binding_mode_border*: string
t_gaps* = object
top*, right*, bottom*, left*: int
t_libinput* = object
send_events*, tap*, tap_button_map*, tap_drag*, tap_drag_lock*, accel_profile*, natural_scroll*, left_handed*, click_method*,
middle_emulation*, scroll_method*, dwt*: Option[string]
accel_speed*: Option[cdouble]
scroll_button*: Option[int]
calibration_matrix*: Option[seq[float]]
# replies themselves
r_run_command* = seq[t_command_status]
r_get_workspaces* = seq[t_workspace]
r_subscribe* = object
success*: bool
r_get_outputs* = seq[t_output]
r_get_tree* = t_node
r_get_marks* = seq[string]
r_get_bar_config_no_payload* = seq[string]
r_get_bar_config* = object
id*, mode*, position*, status_command*, font*: string
workspace_buttons*, binding_mode_indicator*, verbose*: bool
workspace_min_width*, bar_height*, status_padding*, status_edge_padding*: int
colors*: t_colors
gaps*: t_gaps
r_get_version* = object
major*, minor*, patch*: int
human_readable*, loaded_config_file_name*: string
r_get_binding_modes* = seq[string]
r_get_config* = object
config*: string
r_send_tick* = object
success*: bool
r_sync* = object
success*: bool
r_get_binding_state* = object
name*: string
r_get_inputs* = seq[t_input]
r_get_seats* = seq[t_seat]