Rasmus Moorats 1129f5f9a8
Some checks failed
build / build (push) Failing after 2s
bug fix 3: rise of the debugger
2023-10-21 17:45:10 +03:00

79 lines
2.2 KiB

import std/[asyncdispatch, base64, options, nativesockets, sequtils, strutils]
import chronicles, httpbeast, webby
import consts
template redirect(location: string): untyped =
req.send(redirCode, "", headers="Location: " & location)
func nonEmpty(path: seq[string]): seq[string] =
path.filterIt(it.len > 0)
func sanitize(input: string): string =
## Removes CRLF
for c in input:
if c != '\r' and c != '\n':
result.add c
func getHttpCode(query: QueryParams): HttpCode =
if "code" notin query: return defaultRedirectCode
return case query["code"]
of "301": Http301
of "302": Http302
of "303": Http303
of "304": Http304
of "305": Http305
of "307": Http307
of "308": Http308
else: defaultRedirectCode
proc onRequest(req: Request): Future[void] =
path = get req.path
httpMethod = get req.httpMethod
ip = req.ip
headers = get req.headers
info "handling request"
rawPath = get req.path
uri = parseUrl rawPath
reqPath = rawPath.split("?")[0].split("/").nonEmpty
redirCode = getHttpCode uri.query
if reqPath.len == 0 and "url" notin uri.query:
req.send index
case reqPath[0]
of "base64":
if "url" notin uri.query:
req.send Http400, "required param `url` missing"
redirect uri.query["url"].decode.sanitize
req.send Http400, "invalid base64 data"
of "metadata": redirect ""
of "metadata6": redirect "http://[fd00:ec2::254]/latest/meta-data/"
of "localhost": redirect ""
of "localhost6": redirect "http://[::1]"
of "zeroes": redirect ""
of "passwd": redirect "file:///etc/passwd"
of "services": redirect "file:///etc/services"
of "env": redirect "file:///proc/self/environ"
if "url" in uri.query: redirect uri.query["url"].sanitize
else: redirect rawPath[1..^1].sanitize
proc redir(port = 8081, bindAddr = "", ipv6 = false): int =
## open redirector initSettings(
port = Port(port),
bindAddr = bindAddr,
domain =
if ipv6: Domain.AF_INET6
else: Domain.AF_INET
when isMainModule:
import cligen; dispatch redir