
79 lines
2.1 KiB

import std/[parseopt, strutils]
import system
import swayipc2/[connection, commands, util, replies]
const helpText = """swick - quickly launch or focus/unfocus application
usage: swick -u:use -i:identifier -c:cmd
u, use (default: class) which qualifier to use (app_id, class)
i, identifier the window's identifier as per the qualifier
c, cmd command to use to launch the application
# focus or launch spotify
swick -u:class -i:Spotify -c:spotify
# focus or launch obsidian with extra flags, implicitly use class
swick -i:obsidian -c:'/bin/electron18 /usr/lib/obsidian/app.asar --force-device-scale-factor=1'"""
template optErr(err: string) =
echo err & ", bailing"
echo "run with flag -h for help"
system.quit 1
when isMainModule:
var use, identifier, cmd: string
var p = initOptParser()
while true:
case p.kind
of cmdEnd: break
of cmdArgument:
optErr("erronous extra argument `" & p.val & "`")
of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
if p.key == "h" or p.key == "help":
echo helpText
if p.val == "":
optErr("no value set for flag " & p.key)
case p.key
of "u", "use":
if p.val == "class" or p.val == "app_id":
use = p.val
optErr("unknown use value `" & p.val)
of "i", "identifier":
identifier = p.val
of "c", "cmd":
cmd = p.val
optErr("unknown key and value pair: " & p.key & ", " & p.val)
if identifier == "":
optErr("identifier not specified")
if cmd == "":
optErr("start-up command not specified")
if use == "":
use = "class"
sway = connect()
tree = sway.get_tree
nodes =
if use == "class": tree.filterNodesByClass(identifier, 1)
else: tree.filterNodesByAppID(identifier, 1)
sway_cmd =
if nodes.len == 0: "exec " & cmd
else: "[" & use & "=" & identifier.escape & "] " & (
if nodes[0].focused: "move scratchpad"
else: "focus"
ret = sway.run_command(sway_cmd)[0]
system.quit if ret.success: 0 else: 2