
28 lines
844 B

# This is an example config file for update-api
# Copy this to /etc/update-api/config.toml, ~/.config/update-api/config.toml
# or specify the location manually with the -c flag or the UPDATE_API_CONFIG
# environment variable
# host to listen on
listen-host = "localhost"
listen-port = 8080
# select from debug, info, warning, error, fatal
log-level = "info"
# base directory where local copies of tracked repositories are kept
repo-path = "/tmp/update-api/repos"
# we define a tracked repository named update-api
# upstream URL of the git repo
url = "https://git.dog/xx/update-api.git"
# how often to sync from upstream, in seconds
# negative values disable automatic syncing
update-interval = 1800 # 30 min
# if the repository exists, should we check for an update immediately
update-on-startup = true